Sliders are a popular way to add interactivity to a website. They allow the user to control how much information is displayed at one time, and they can be used to scroll through a gallery of images or a list of items. Sliders can also be used to control video playback or to navigate through a timeline of events. Revolution Slider is a popular slider plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily create and manage sliders on your website.
It is a premium plugin by themepunch. Revolution slider powers millions of WordPress websites. It is a simple and very user-friendly WordPress Plugin. Its simplicity and tons of features made its first choice among WordPress developers. In this post, I am going to show you how to set the zoom effect in the revolution slider for the background image. To assign the Zoom effect in the revolution slider Follow below simple steps below,
- Login to WordPress Dashboard
- Click on Revolution Slider
- Click on Existing Slider or New Slider
- Select the background image (Slide) where you want to set the zoom effect
- Click on “Ken Burns”.
Click on the toggle Ken Burns / Pan Zoom (ON)
- Set values as per your Zoom requirement. But there are 3 important options, these are:
Scale (in %): from where to where you want to zoom the image.
Easing: Speed of Zoom Effect.
Duration: It is in milliseconds. - Done. The zoom effect is set.
- Other options available in Ken Burns
Vertical Offset
Horizontal Offset
If you are still facing difficulty in setting the revolution slider for the background image, let me know in the comments below.